Office Tour

Welcome to Our Fun Purple Building That Was Designed by Kids!
Take a peek inside with our Google Office Tour (below).
Our all-kids Board of Directors (a new Board is chosen every year) has been instrumental in selecting the décor and toys in our waiting areas, which are all interactive to keep kids happy and busy. We even have a large video game system projected on the floor!
As you stroll down the hall, you’ll see our “tiny potty” bathroom and the X-ray room for taking pictures of teeth. Our open treatment bay features state-of-the-art equipment and dental “loungers” with entertaining, kid-friendly movies on the ceiling above each chair. We also have private treatment rooms available.
Parents & Siblings Welcome
Parents are always welcome to join their kids during an appointment, so we added a second playroom in the treatment bay area for parents who bring younger siblings along. It has been a popular feature originally suggested by our all-kids Board of Directors.
As you walk around, you might notice some fantastic art! Dr. George’s wife is a talented artist, and her work graces our walls. When you visit, see if you spot the Roy Lichtenstein-inspired portrait she painted of Dr. George (clue: it looks like a brightly colored cartoon).
We hope to see you soon!