
Bullard Star Gif v2-11
Front desk receptionist

Fast & Easy Scheduling

The secret to the fastest, easiest, most effective way to get an appointment that best fits your schedule is to call us.

We schedule appointments at your convenience and when time is available. We also can customize your appointment time to best suit your child’s schedule.

If you call after hours, simply leave us a message. We will get back to you lickety-split the next business day.

Of course, if it’s more convenient, you can send us the handy form (keep scrolling down), and we will give you a call ASAP.

Tips & Hints

Preschool children should be seen in the morning because they are refreshed, allowing us to work more slowly for their comfort.

School children who need a lot of dental work should be seen in the morning for the same reason. Happily, dental appointments are an excused absence.

Staff with a stuffed animal

Request an Appointment

We can contact you directly to schedule an appointment:


Since appointment times are reserved exclusively for each patient, we ask that you please notify our office 24 hours in advance if you are unable to keep your appointment. We realize that unexpected things happen, but we ask for your assistance.

Besides, if you cannot come, you can make someone else’s day when we call and offer them your spot. It’s like you are giving another parent a gift. 🙂 

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